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Your credit score is a 3-digit number on a scale of 300 to 850 that suggests how creditworthy you are—meaning, how good you are with credit and how much you can be trusted to pay back what you borrow. Potential lenders will use this number to decide what kinds of credit cards and loans to offer you. Generally, the higher the score, the better the offers.

Generally speaking, there are five tiers of credit score. A good credit score is anything above 670. Anything below 670 is considered poor or only fair credit.

Your credit can be brought down a lot faster than it can be brought up, so it might help to review these things that can hurt your credit:
– Not paying bills on time
– Filing for bankruptcy or foreclosure
– Applying for too many credit accounts
– Carrying high balances on your credit cards
– Ignoring questionable negative items on your report

There are five main contributors to your credit score–payment history, amount of debt, length of credit history, credit mix and new credit. Managing your credit wisely by paying your bills on time, paying debt down and maintaining your current accounts could improve your score.

Your FICO® Score is a three-digit number determined by the information on your credit report. While FICO® doesn’t collect the data themselves, it’s their algorithm that determines your score. Considering their score is used in 90% of all lending decisions, it’s very helpful to know where you stand.

Unfortunately, we can’t guarantee anything. But we can promise to help you work to address any unfair or inaccurate negative items hurting your credit profile.

We prefer that you use Smart Credit or IdentityIQ to pull all three of your credit reports because of the ease of use, their low cost trial, so far for the best results. They also offer a lot of additional features if you stay on with their membership. However, you can pull your credit reports from any provider that you choose.
Honestly, it depends on you and your circumstance. Most people find a period of at least six months is necessary while some stay for up to 12 months to effectively increase their score.
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